How to implement a hash table (in C)

March 2021

Summary: An explanation of how to implement a simple hash table data structure using the C programming language. I briefly demonstrate linear and binary search, and then design and implement a hash table. My goal is to show that hash table internals are not scary, but – within certain constraints – are easy enough to build from scratch.

Go to: Linear search | Binary search | Hash tables | Implementation | Discussion

Recently I wrote an article that compared a simple program that counts word frequencies across various languages, and one of the things that came up was how C doesn’t have a hash table data structure in its standard library.

There are many things you can do when you realize this: use linear search, use binary search, grab someone else’s hash table implementation, or write your own hash table. Or switch to a richer language. We’re going to take a quick look at linear and binary search, and then learn how to write our own hash table. This is often necessary in C, but it can also be useful if you need a custom hash table when using another language.

The simplest option is to use linear search to scan through an array. This is actually not a bad strategy if you’ve only got a few items – in my simple comparison using strings, it’s faster than a hash table lookup up to about 7 items (but unless your program is very performance-sensitive, it’s probably fine up to 20 or 30 items). Linear search also allows you to append new items to the end of the array. With this type of search you’re comparing an average of num_keys/2 items.

Let’s say you’re searching for the key bob in the following array (each item is a string key with an associated integer value):

Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Key foo bar bazz buzz bob jane x
Value 10 42 36 7 11 100 200

You simply start at the beginning (foo at index 0) and compare each key. If the key matches what you’re looking for, you’re done. If not, you move to the next slot. Searching for bob takes five steps (indexes 0 through 4).

Here is the algorithm in C (assuming each array item is a string key and integer value):

typedef struct {
    char* key;
    int value;
} item;

item* linear_search(item* items, size_t size, const char* key) {
    for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
        if (strcmp(items[i].key, key) == 0) {
            return &items[i];
    return NULL;

int main(void) {
    item items[] = {
        {"foo", 10}, {"bar", 42}, {"bazz", 36}, {"buzz", 7},
        {"bob", 11}, {"jane", 100}, {"x", 200}};
    size_t num_items = sizeof(items) / sizeof(item);

    item* found = linear_search(items, num_items, "bob");
    if (!found) {
        return 1;
    printf("linear_search: value of 'bob' is %d\n", found->value);
    return 0;

Another simple approach is to put the items in an array which is sorted by key, and use binary search to reduce the number of comparisons. This is kind of how we might look something up in a (paper) dictionary.

C even has a bsearch function in its standard library. Binary search is reasonably fast even for hundreds of items (though not as fast as a hash table), because you’re only comparing an average of log(num_keys) items. However, because the array needs to stay sorted, you can’t insert items without copying the rest down, so insertions still require an average of num_keys/2 operations.

Assume we’re looking up bob again (in this pre-sorted array):

Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Key bar bazz bob buzz foo jane x
Value 42 36 11 7 10 100 200

With binary search, we start in the middle (buzz), and if the key there is greater than what we’re looking for, we repeat the process with the lower half. If it’s greater, we repeat the process with the higher half. In this case it results in three steps, at indexes 3, 1, 2, and then we have it. This is 3 steps instead of 5, and the improvement over linear search gets (exponentially) better the more items you have.

Here’s how you’d do it in C (with and without bsearch). The definition of the item struct is the same as above.

int cmp(const void* a, const void* b) {
    item* item_a = (item*)a;
    item* item_b = (item*)b;
    return strcmp(item_a->key, item_b->key);

item* binary_search(item* items, size_t size, const char* key) {
    if (size + size < size) {
        return NULL; // size too big; avoid overflow
    size_t low = 0;
    size_t high = size;
    while (low < high) {
        size_t mid = (low + high) / 2;
        int c = strcmp(items[mid].key, key);
        if (c == 0) {
            return &items[mid];
        if (c < 0) {
            low = mid + 1; // eliminate low half of array
        } else {
            high = mid;    // eliminate high half of array
    // Entire array has been eliminated, key not found.
    return NULL;

int main(void) {
    item items[] = {
        {"bar", 42}, {"bazz", 36}, {"bob", 11}, {"buzz", 7},
        {"foo", 10}, {"jane", 100}, {"x", 200}};
    size_t num_items = sizeof(items) / sizeof(item);

    item key = {"bob", 0};
    item* found = bsearch(&key, items, num_items, sizeof(item), cmp);
    if (found == NULL) {
        return 1;
    printf("bsearch: value of 'bob' is %d\n", found->value);

    found = binary_search(items, num_items, "bob");
    if (found == NULL) {
        return 1;
    printf("binary_search: value of 'bob' is %d\n", found->value);
    return 0;

Note: in binary_search, it would be slightly better to avoid the up-front “half size overflow check” and allow the entire range of size_t. This would mean changing the mid calculation to low + (high-low)/2. However, I’m going to leave the code stand for educational purposes – with the initial overflow check, I don’t think there’s a bug, but it is non-ideal that I’m only allowing half the range of size_t. Not that I’ll be searching a 16 exabyte array on my 64-bit system anytime soon! For further reading, see the article Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken. Thanks Seth Arnold and Olaf Seibert for the feedback.

Hash tables

Hash tables can seem quite scary: there are a lot of different types, and a ton of different optimizations you can do. However, if you use a simple hash function together with what’s called “linear probing” you can create a decent hash table quite easily.

If you don’t know how a hash table works, here’s a quick refresher. A hash table is a container data structure that allows you to quickly look up a key (often a string) to find its corresponding value (any data type). Under the hood, they’re arrays that are indexed by a hash function of the key.

A hash function turns a key into a random-looking number, and it must always return the same number given the same key. For example, with the hash function we’re going to use (64-bit FNV-1a), the hashes of the keys above are as follows:

Key Hash Hash modulo 16
bar 16101355973854746 10
bazz 11123581685902069096 8
bob 21748447695211092 4
buzz 18414333339470238796 12
foo 15902901984413996407 7
jane 10985288698319103569 1
x 12638214688346347271 7 (same as foo)

The reason I’ve shown the hash modulo 16 is because we’re going to start with an array of 16 elements, so we need to limit the hash to the number of elements in the array – the modulo operation divides by 16 and gives the remainder, limiting the array index to the range 0 through 15.

When we insert a value into the hash table, we calculate its hash, modulo by 16, and use that as the array index. So with an array of size 16, we’d insert bar at index 10, bazz at 8, bob at 4, and so on. Let’s insert all the items into our hash table array (except for x – we’ll get to that below):

Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Key . jane . . bob . . foo bazz . bar . buzz . . .
Value . 100 . . 11 . . 10 36 . 42 . 7 . . .

To look up a value, we simply fetch array[hash(key) % 16]. If the array size is a power of two, we can use array[hash(key) & 15]. Note how the order of the elements is no longer meaningful.

But what if two keys hash to the same value (after the modulo 16)? Depending on the hash function and the size of the array, this is fairly common. For example, when we try to add x to the array above, its hash modulo 16 is 7. But we already have foo at index 7, so we get a collision.

There are various ways of handling collisions. Traditionally you’d create a hash array of a certain size, and if there was a collision, you’d use a linked list to store the values that hashed to the same index. However, linked lists normally require an extra memory allocation when you add an item, and traversing them means following pointers scattered around in memory, which is relatively slow on modern CPUs.

A simpler and faster way of dealing with collisions is linear probing: if we’re trying to insert an item but there’s one already there, simply move to the next slot. If the next slot is full too, move along again, until you find an empty one, wrapping around to the beginning if you hit the end of the array. (There are other ways of probing than just moving to the next slot, but that’s beyond the scope of this article.) This technique is a lot faster than linked lists, because your CPU’s cache has probably fetched the next items already.

Here’s what the hash table array looks like after adding “collision” x (with value 200). We try index 7 first, but that’s holding foo, so we move to index 8, but that’s holding bazz, so we move again to index 9, and that’s empty, so we insert it there:

Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Key . jane . . bob . . foo bazz x bar . buzz . . .
Value . 100 . . 11 . . 10 36 200 42 . 7 . . .

When the hash table gets too full, we need to allocate a larger array and move the items over. This is absolutely required when the number of items in the hash table has reached the size of the array, but usually you want to do it when the table is half or three-quarters full. If you don’t resize it early enough, collisions will become more and more common, and lookups and inserts will get slower and slower. If you wait till it’s almost full, you’re essentially back to linear search.

With a good hash function, this kind of hash table requires an average of one operation per lookup, plus the time to hash the key (but often the keys are relatively short string).

And that’s it! There’s a huge amount more you can do here, and this just scratches the surface. I’m not going to go into a scientific analysis of big O notation, optimal array sizes, different kinds of probing, and so on. Read Donald Knuth’s TAOCP if you want that level of detail!

Hash table implementation

You can find the code for this implementation in the benhoyt/ht repo on GitHub, in ht.h and ht.c. For what it’s worth, all the code is released under a permissive MIT license.

I got some good feedback from Code Review Stack Exchange that helped clean up a few sharp edges, not the least of which was a memory leak due to how I was calling strdup during the ht_expand step (fixed here). I confirmed the leak using Valgrind, which I should have run earlier. Seth Arnold also gave me some helpful feedback on a draft of this article. Thanks, folks!

API design

First let’s consider what API we want: we need a way to create and destroy a hash table, get the value for a given key, set a value for a given key, get the number of items, and iterate over the items. I’m not aiming for a maximum-efficiency API, but one that is fairly simple to implement.

After a couple of iterations, I settled on the following functions and structs (see ht.h):

// Hash table structure: create with ht_create, free with ht_destroy.
typedef struct ht ht;

// Create hash table and return pointer to it, or NULL if out of memory.
ht* ht_create(void);

// Free memory allocated for hash table, including allocated keys.
void ht_destroy(ht* table);

// Get item with given key (NUL-terminated) from hash table. Return
// value (which was set with ht_set), or NULL if key not found.
void* ht_get(ht* table, const char* key);

// Set item with given key (NUL-terminated) to value (which must not
// be NULL). If not already present in table, key is copied to newly
// allocated memory (keys are freed automatically when ht_destroy is
// called). Return address of copied key, or NULL if out of memory.
const char* ht_set(ht* table, const char* key, void* value);

// Return number of items in hash table.
size_t ht_length(ht* table);

// Hash table iterator: create with ht_iterator, iterate with ht_next.
typedef struct {
    const char* key;  // current key
    void* value;      // current value

    // Don't use these fields directly.
    ht* _table;       // reference to hash table being iterated
    size_t _index;    // current index into ht._entries
} hti;

// Return new hash table iterator (for use with ht_next).
hti ht_iterator(ht* table);

// Move iterator to next item in hash table, update iterator's key
// and value to current item, and return true. If there are no more
// items, return false. Don't call ht_set during iteration.
bool ht_next(hti* it);

A few notes about this API design:

Demo program

Below is a simple program (demo.c) that demonstrates using all the functions of the API. It counts the frequencies of unique, space-separated words from standard input, and prints the results (in an arbitrary order, because the iteration order of our hash table is undefined). It ends by printing the total number of unique words.

// Example:
// $ echo 'foo bar the bar bar bar the' | ./demo
// foo 1
// bar 4
// the 2
// 3

void exit_nomem(void) {
    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");

int main(void) {
    ht* counts = ht_create();
    if (counts == NULL) {

    // Read next word from stdin (at most 100 chars long).
    char word[101];
    while (scanf("%100s", word) != EOF) {
        // Look up word.
        void* value = ht_get(counts, word);
        if (value != NULL) {
            // Already exists, increment int that value points to.
            int* pcount = (int*)value;

        // Word not found, allocate space for new int and set to 1.
        int* pcount = malloc(sizeof(int));
        if (pcount == NULL) {
        *pcount = 1;
        if (ht_set(counts, word, pcount) == NULL) {

    // Print out words and frequencies, freeing values as we go.
    hti it = ht_iterator(counts);
    while (ht_next(&it)) {
        printf("%s %d\n", it.key, *(int*)it.value);

    // Show the number of unique words.
    printf("%d\n", (int)ht_length(counts));

    return 0;

Now let’s turn to the hash table implementation (ht.c).

Create and destroy

Allocating a new hash table is fairly straight-forward. We start with an initial array capacity of 16 (stored in capacity), meaning it can hold up to 8 items before expanding. There are two allocations, one for the hash table struct itself, and one for the entries array. Note that we use calloc for the entries array, to ensure all the keys are NULL to start with, meaning all slots are empty.

The ht_destroy function frees this memory, but also frees memory from the duplicated keys that were allocated along the way (more on that below).

// Hash table entry (slot may be filled or empty).
typedef struct {
    const char* key;  // key is NULL if this slot is empty
    void* value;
} ht_entry;

// Hash table structure: create with ht_create, free with ht_destroy.
struct ht {
    ht_entry* entries;  // hash slots
    size_t capacity;    // size of _entries array
    size_t length;      // number of items in hash table

#define INITIAL_CAPACITY 16  // must not be zero

ht* ht_create(void) {
    // Allocate space for hash table struct.
    ht* table = malloc(sizeof(ht));
    if (table == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    table->length = 0;
    table->capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY;

    // Allocate (zero'd) space for entry buckets.
    table->entries = calloc(table->capacity, sizeof(ht_entry));
    if (table->entries == NULL) {
        free(table); // error, free table before we return!
        return NULL;
    return table;

void ht_destroy(ht* table) {
    // First free allocated keys.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < table->capacity; i++) {

    // Then free entries array and table itself.

Hash function

Next we define our hash function, which is a straight-forward C implementation of the FNV-1a hash algorithm. Note that FNV is not a randomized or cryptographic hash function, so it’s possible for an attacker to create keys with a lot of collisions and cause lookups to slow way down – Python switched away from FNV for this reason. For our use case, however, FNV is simple and fast.

As far as the algorithm goes, FNV-1a simply starts the hash with an “offset” constant, and for each byte in the string, XORs the hash with the byte, and then multiplies it by a big prime number. The offset and prime are carefully chosen by people with PhDs.

We’re using the 64-bit variant, because, well, most computers are 64-bit these days and it seemed like a good idea. You can tell I don’t have one of those PhDs. :-) Seriously, though, it seemed better than using the 32-bit version in case we have a very large hash table.

#define FNV_OFFSET 14695981039346656037UL
#define FNV_PRIME 1099511628211UL

// Return 64-bit FNV-1a hash for key (NUL-terminated). See description:
static uint64_t hash_key(const char* key) {
    uint64_t hash = FNV_OFFSET;
    for (const char* p = key; *p; p++) {
        hash ^= (uint64_t)(unsigned char)(*p);
        hash *= FNV_PRIME;
    return hash;

I won’t be doing a detailed analysis here, but I have included a little statistics program that prints the average probe length of the hash table created from the unique words in the input. The FNV-1a hash algorithm we’re using seems to work well on the list of half a million English words (average probe length 1.40), and also works well with a list of half a million very similar keys like word1, word2, and so on (average probe length 1.38).

Interestingly, when I tried the FNV-1 algorithm (like FNV-1a but with the multiply done before the XOR), the English words still gave an average probe length of 1.43, but the similar keys performed very badly – an average probe length of 5.02. So FNV-1a was a clear winner in my quick tests.


Next let’s look at the ht_get function. First it calculates the hash, modulo the capacity (the size of the entries array), which is done by ANDing with capacity - 1. Using AND is only possible because, as we’ll see below, we’re ensuring our array size is always a power of two, for simplicity.

Then we loop till we find an empty slot, in which case we didn’t find the key. For each non-empty slot, we use strcmp to check whether the key at this slot is the one we’re looking for (it’ll be the first one unless there had been a collision). If not, we move along one slot.

void* ht_get(ht* table, const char* key) {
    // AND hash with capacity-1 to ensure it's within entries array.
    uint64_t hash = hash_key(key);
    size_t index = (size_t)(hash & (uint64_t)(table->capacity - 1));

    // Loop till we find an empty entry.
    while (table->entries[index].key != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(key, table->entries[index].key) == 0) {
            // Found key, return value.
            return table->entries[index].value;
        // Key wasn't in this slot, move to next (linear probing).
        if (index >= table->capacity) {
            // At end of entries array, wrap around.
            index = 0;
    return NULL;


The ht_set function is slightly more complicated, because it has to expand the table if there are too many elements. In our implementation, we double the capacity whenever it gets to be half full. This is a little wasteful of memory, but it keeps things very simple.

First, the ht_set function. It simply expands the table if necessary, and then inserts the item:

const char* ht_set(ht* table, const char* key, void* value) {
    assert(value != NULL);
    if (value == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    // If length will exceed half of current capacity, expand it.
    if (table->length >= table->capacity / 2) {
        if (!ht_expand(table)) {
            return NULL;

    // Set entry and update length.
    return ht_set_entry(table->entries, table->capacity, key, value,

The guts of the operation is in the ht_set_entry helper function (note how the loop is very similar to the one in ht_get). If the plength argument is non-NULL, it’s being called from ht_set, so we allocate and copy the key and update the length:

// Internal function to set an entry (without expanding table).
static const char* ht_set_entry(ht_entry* entries, size_t capacity,
        const char* key, void* value, size_t* plength) {
    // AND hash with capacity-1 to ensure it's within entries array.
    uint64_t hash = hash_key(key);
    size_t index = (size_t)(hash & (uint64_t)(capacity - 1));

    // Loop till we find an empty entry.
    while (entries[index].key != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(key, entries[index].key) == 0) {
            // Found key (it already exists), update value.
            entries[index].value = value;
            return entries[index].key;
        // Key wasn't in this slot, move to next (linear probing).
        if (index >= capacity) {
            // At end of entries array, wrap around.
            index = 0;

    // Didn't find key, allocate+copy if needed, then insert it.
    if (plength != NULL) {
        key = strdup(key);
        if (key == NULL) {
            return NULL;
    entries[index].key = (char*)key;
    entries[index].value = value;
    return key;

What about the ht_expand helper function? It allocates a new entries array of double the current capacity, and uses ht_set_entry with plength NULL to copy the entries over. Even though the hash value is the same, the indexes will be different because the capacity has changed (and the index is hash modulo capacity).

// Expand hash table to twice its current size. Return true on success,
// false if out of memory.
static bool ht_expand(ht* table) {
    // Allocate new entries array.
    size_t new_capacity = table->capacity * 2;
    if (new_capacity < table->capacity) {
        return false;  // overflow (capacity would be too big)
    ht_entry* new_entries = calloc(new_capacity, sizeof(ht_entry));
    if (new_entries == NULL) {
        return false;

    // Iterate entries, move all non-empty ones to new table's entries.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < table->capacity; i++) {
        ht_entry entry = table->entries[i];
        if (entry.key != NULL) {
            ht_set_entry(new_entries, new_capacity, entry.key,
                         entry.value, NULL);

    // Free old entries array and update this table's details.
    table->entries = new_entries;
    table->capacity = new_capacity;
    return true;

Length and iteration

The ht_length function is trivial – we update the number of items in _length as we go, so just return that:

size_t ht_length(ht* table) {
    return table->length;

Iteration is the final piece. To create an iterator, a user will call ht_iterator, and to move to the next item, call ht_next in a loop while it returns true. Here’s how they’re defined:

hti ht_iterator(ht* table) {
    hti it;
    it._table = table;
    it._index = 0;
    return it;

bool ht_next(hti* it) {
    // Loop till we've hit end of entries array.
    ht* table = it->_table;
    while (it->_index < table->capacity) {
        size_t i = it->_index;
        if (table->entries[i].key != NULL) {
            // Found next non-empty item, update iterator key and value.
            ht_entry entry = table->entries[i];
            it->key = entry.key;
            it->value = entry.value;
            return true;
    return false;


That’s it – the implementation in ht.c is only about 200 lines of code, including blank lines and comments.

Beware: this is a teaching tool and not a library, so I encourage you to play with it and let me know about any bugs I haven’t found! I would advise against using it without a bunch of further testing, checking edge cases, etc. Remember, this is unsafe C we’re dealing with. Even while writing this I realized I’d used malloc instead of calloc to allocate the entries array, which meant the keys may not have been initialized to NULL.

As I mentioned, I wanted to keep the implementation simple, and wasn’t too worried about performance. However, a quick, non-scientific performance comparison with Go’s map implementation shows that it compares pretty well – with half a million English words, this C version is about 50% slower for lookups and 40% faster for insertion.

Speaking of Go, it’s even easier to write custom hash tables in a language like Go, because you don’t have to worry about handling memory allocation errors or freeing allocated memory. I recently wrote a counter package in Go which implements a similar kind of hash table.

There’s obviously a lot more you could do with the C version. You could focus on safety and reliability by doing various kinds of testing. You could focus on performance, and reduce memory allocations, use a “bump allocator” for the duplicated keys, store short keys inside each item struct, and so on. You could improve the memory usage, and tune _ht_expand to not double in size every time. Or you could add features such as item removal.

After I’d finished writing this, I remembered that Bob Nystrom’s excellent Crafting Interpreters book has a chapter on hash tables. He makes some similar design choices, though his chapter is significantly more in-depth than this article. If I’d remembered his chapter before I started, I probably wouldn’t have written this one!

In any case, I hope you’ve found this useful or interesting. If you spot any bugs or have any feedback, please let me know. You can also go to the discussions on Hacker News, programming Reddit, and Lobsters.

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