The love prism
When you put light through a prism what do you get? All the colours in the rainbow. But when you put love through a prism you get 1 Corinthians 13! Author Len Evans once put it like this:
“Paul has put love through a prism in 1 Corinthians 13 and broken it down into its beautiful and humble parts.”
A prism breaks light into its different parts: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. A prism shows the different parts of love to be patience, kindness, humility, selflessness, truth, hope and perseverance.
Through a prism we see the colour and vibrancy of light. Light goes into the prism and out comes a bevy of colour, a rainbow, smashing and remarkable, delighting those who see it. The effect is similar with love. Love goes into the prism, which reveals the beauty and the simplicity of the pure allurement of its different parts.
With fascination, the observer of the prism looks on at the revelation of the parts of love. “To think of the colour of love having so many shades!” In awe, the sight of such a phenomenon brings the observer to a place of praise for the One who created such a nonpareil as this love!
Thanks to the prism for revealing the glories of love.
But what is this prism? A prism that refracts the light into rainbows is angled glass. But the prism revealing love for what it is – that’s flesh and blood. There are many imperfect prisms that are still in the process of being polished by their Maker. There is just one that is perfect. The One perfect prism never errs in His demonstration of love. And this Prism has a name: Jesus Christ.